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Basis Social wins bid for Nuffield Council on Bioethics

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCoB) is an independent body that informs policy and public debate about the ethical questions raised by biological and medical research.

Further to a recent consultation launched by Defra, NCoB is running a major inquiry into the ethical and social issues raised by genome editing in farmed animals. As part of this work, NCoB commissioned us to undertake a rapid online public dialogue to understand what members of the public think.

Working in partnership with the excellent Caitlin Connors over at Bright Harbour Research, we will be running three waves of reconvened dialogue to surface the range of factors that influence public perceptions of genome editing technologies and their use in farmed animals. We’re really looking forward to this one, not just because we love public dialogue but also because this is an issue we first explored over 10 years ago for EPSRC.